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Country 95.5

Country 95.5
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Country 95.5

Wake Up With Brooksie, Quinn & Marv, the most exciting and educated morning show in Lethbridge with Brent Brooks, Quinn Campbell and Marv Gunderson. From the Morning Brain Freeze to Beat Brooksie, they’ve got your weekday mornings secured! Take Country 95 to work with you! Nation 95 is the ideal station to listen to while you work at the workplace, in the field or at home. Tia Daniels stays with you amid your riotous workday. At that point its Bobcat with the best commute home music, chuckles, movement data every weekday evening. Keep in mind to tune in for “Backstage with Bobcat”, evenings at 5:30! Tony Deys stays with you in the nighttimes with his speedy mind and today’s best Country Music! Nation 95 is great while you play as well!! Listen for Country Music Marathons all through the workday and nights with 10 in succession! Additionally while you run your weekend errands on Saturday and Sunday evenings join Mark Campbell from twelve to 6. We’ve got Country Music Marathons to keep you going and Bob Kingsley’s Country Top 40 is on Saturday mornings at 8 and Sunday nighttimes beginning at 6! Discover who has the greatest hit in the country this weekend!Country 95.5 official website address is www.country95.fmCanadaCountry 95.5
Land: Canada
Genre(s): / /
AAC: 256 Kb/s | FLAC(Hz): 96000
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Country 95.5
Country 95.5
Country 95.5
Wake Up With Brooksie, Quinn & Marv, the most exciting and educated morning show in Lethbridge with Brent Brooks, Quinn Campbell and Marv Gunderson. From the Morning Brain Freeze to Beat Brooksie, they’ve got your weekday mornings secured! Take Country 95 to work with you! Nation 95 is the ideal station to listen to while you work at the workplace, in the field or at home. Tia Daniels stays with you amid your riotous workday. At that point its Bobcat with the best commute home music, chuckles, movement data every weekday evening. Keep in mind to tune in for “Backstage with Bobcat”, evenings at 5:30! Tony Deys stays with you in the nighttimes with his speedy mind and today’s best Country Music! Nation 95 is great while you play as well!! Listen for Country Music Marathons all through the workday and nights with 10 in succession! Additionally while you run your weekend errands on Saturday and Sunday evenings join Mark Campbell from twelve to 6. We’ve got Country Music Marathons to keep you going and Bob Kingsley’s Country Top 40 is on Saturday mornings at 8 and Sunday nighttimes beginning at 6! Discover who has the greatest hit in the country this weekend!Country 95.5 official website address is www.country95.fmCanadaCountry 95.5
Land: Canada
Genre(s): / /
AAC: 256 Kb/s | FLAC(Hz): 96000
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FLAC(Hz): 48000
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